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KMID : 0359020100410030168
Korean Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
2010 Volume.41 No. 3 p.168 ~ p.171
A Case of Gastro-colic Fistula with Peritonitis Due to Ingested Magnets
Cho Yong-Duck

Chang Young-Woon
Cho Chang-Hyun
Hwangbo Young
Shim Jae-Jun
Jang Jae-Young
Kim Hyo-Jong
Kim Byung-Ho
The ingestion of a foreign body is common in children. But in adults, especially in those who have a mental illness, dysphagia, and consciousness disorders often occur. If a patient ingests more than two magnets, he can develop numerous complications such as bowel necrosis, perforation, and fistula formation. Here we report a case of a 32-year-old patient with gastro-colic fistula and peritonitis following ingestion of multiple magnets. In accidental ingestion of multiple magnets, early exploration should be considered.
Multiple magnets ingestion, Gastro-colic fistula, Peritonitis
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